Are you ready to offer your talents to the world in a bigger way, that brings you great joy and prosperity, AND that has your business working for you instead of the other-way around, but don't know how?
It's Time to Leverage Your Unique Potential for a Happier, More Fulfilling and Wealthy Life!
Power of Your Unique Potential Program:
Live Your Unique Potential in Business and Life: 12-Weeks Accelerator
Power of Your Unique Potential Program:
Live Your Unique Potential in Business and Life: 12-Weeks Accelerator
Any of these sound familiar?
What am I supposed to be doing with my life?
Why do I feel different than everyone else?
Am I wasting time in my life?
Why do I try so hard and still make no money?
I try to make my business more efficient, but I end up working longer hours
I feel like I have hit a wall
If this sounds familiar, don't worry – you're not alone.
I want to invite you to apply for the…
The Power of Unique Potential Program
In this profound program, you will succeed at:
Uncovering your truest life purpose, gain the confidence to activate it and create a simple action plan to fully walk in and manifest this unique purpose in a way that brings you great joy.
Knowing how to set realistic goals for yourself, make the best decisions for yourself, what path you should take in work + relationships, and what things deplete your energy and what restores it.
Becoming the wealthiest unique version of you and sharing your vision to the universe without sacrificing all your free time.
This program’s sole purpose is to help you get from where you are now, to doing work that actually excites you (without having to sell your house or become a starving artist).
Who is this chick, anyway?
I don’t spend much (if any) time talking about myself, my background, my ‘stories’ as I prefer not to draw attention to myself, but to focus on the task at hand, and on others around me.
I ask the questions and guide the Unique Potential process. I have a subtle touch that blends both rational thinking and emotional feeling to help people get ahead.
So what I do is help my clients uncover their unique design and map out what their next chapter looks like. Usually that is growing, starting or pivoting a business that helps them live a more fulfilling life that also supports their health and finances.
As a result, my clients embrace their new self and build a business that is fulfilling on a very deep level.
Living That “Second Chance”
When life plays you a bad card, for example illness or divorce, you know you have to work with what you have and make it better. Your whole life changes.
The truth is, most of us, if not each and everyone of us, has been dealt a “bad card”.
What is a significant life-altering event? Here’s a few examples but the reality is it will be unique to each person:
● A serious illness
● Major change in relationship
● Anxiety and depression
● Change in status or finances
● and many more the world faces….
Yet, what I have found is that even after this life-changing event, people try to return to the way their life was before and it just no longer fits the way it used to.
They are usually returning to their previous life for one of two reasons - either they think that is what they have to do because they don’t know anything different, and/or they are afraid of leaving the beaten path and doing what they truly born to do.
The problem is, this approach doesn’t work.
When we go through significant events, we are fundamentally changed from who we were before, oftentimes on a cellular, spiritual and/or mental level. Through a painful experience you become connected with yourself and what is really important in life in a way that the general population has not and doesn’t always understand.
Fighters might find that their life before is no longer satisfying.
Their health may be compromised in a way that their previous life is no longer physically possible to return to.
What they were doing before may even be fundamentally the reason they became sick (the stress, the physical demands, the environment, or just that they were so out of alignment with who they were that it brought on trauma).
Here’s the thing - your health/life crisis was a cry for help from your very being. Physically it couldn't be ignored, so you were forced to take a break and heal. On a physical level, the body is pretty demanding, either you make a change or you die.
On a spiritual and mental level, it’s not so cut and dry. You have to make a choice to make a change and become who you were designed to be.
This is when people come to me.
When they are ready to make the choice to begin their new life in a way that is totally in alignment with who they are and the life they want to create.
Listen to inspirational stories for transforms from people with each of the Unique Potential TM Human Design Blueprint Types
What is Your Unique Potential and Why does it Matter?
Unique Potential is the key to your success.
Everyone has Unique Potential. It is your gift.
For many of you reading this, expressing your Unique Potential will have a business dimension… but remember that business feeds into your personal life and that your relationships, anxiety, satisfaction, creativity and love of life also powers your business!
How you get there, how long it takes you to get there, and the bumps in the road, will be a different and unique experience for everyone. No matter what is happening right now—good or bad—it is meant for you, as it defines your Unique Potential.
It may be hard to see or believe it, however, every event that happens in life takes us down the road we are meant to travel.
When you are open to it, life will introduce or reveal many strange situations, people, and circumstances that will show how brilliant you are and how to discover your Unique Potential; in short, your U.P. moment. You are Unique. You have Potential.
To go UP and live our highest Unique Potential in life, we have to master our own strategy in life.
The Power of Your Unique Potential Program is an invitation for you to say YES and take the road of mastering your life strategy.
When you join this 12-Week Power of Unique Potential Program, you will:
Achieve as much as your natural ability makes possible
Use a tool that shows your personal DNA to unlock latent talent instead of doing something that’s not you (and is not in line with your capacities, passion and talent)
Course Outline
Here’s an overview of the course modules that will take you from behaving like every other person to being the best possible you!
The following are 12 modules of the Power of Unique Potential Program. .
#1 Set business and financial goals: You may have large picture goals, let’s break them down so we can take one step at time to succeed.
#2 Understanding business by type: Understanding how you best express yourself in the world and how to understand, relate, support and work with other career types.
#3 Understanding Your inner self and how you make decisions: Understanding how you are best designed to make decisions and understanding how to work with others with different Decision Making Strategies.
#4 Your unique Path: Each of us is on a unique path in life and each of us has a unique purpose. Let’s make sure you have that purpose identified
#5 Outer Self Goals (Action Potential): What are the practical steps to achieve the business goals you’ve set? Setting up the practical steps and actually taking the first steps toward them.
#6 Setting up your plan by Energy Type (Your HOW): There are so many choices to make in business. But when you know your Type and Authority, the choices become beautifully obvious.
#7 Manage Your Emotions: Learn to manage your negative emotions or our “not self” so you can master yourself.
#8 Learn how to get more done, based on your Type and Strategy Let’s assess decisions you have made so far and identify with the most valuable activities
#9 What is Your upper limit Problem? : We all have a predictable response to change, which can stop us in our tracks rather than pushing through to the next level. New level, same devil! Tools to help you successfully push through.
#10 Business Manifesting Strategy; Putting your business manifesting strategy to the test with setting up meetings, speaking engagements, social media.
#11 Ideal Life Plan: Learn how to design an even more holistic, ideal life. Launa helps you identify what the next level looks like in six key areas of your life.
#12 Facing your Fears. Tough stuff with tough love! We’ll all be facing our fears and coming out the other side! Also, wrapping up the year’s adventures, re-assessing and putting a big bow on our planning for 2020 and beyond!
...and so much more!!!!
Still wondering if the Power of Unique Potential Program is for you? Read on!
Unlock your latent talent instead of doing something that’s not you (and is not in line with your capacities, passion and gifts)
Get out of feeling victimized and having a limited view of your self and move into compassion and understanding of your self.
Make sense out of nonsense, clear the fog, and approach your work with more confidence and a lighter step.
A lot of programs and common stereotypes say that business and personal life is separate, but that is plainly not true. If you’re ready for new ideas and techniques for increasing your performance … then this is it!
Love From Happy Clients and Students
“I feel like I'm on a team with Launa as my business coach. We discuss concerns and next steps, Launa gives me a fresh perspective and presents options for going forward. I am usually challenged by her ideas, some I am ready to go for right away, some I really don't like and some I find myself coming back to when I've had time to process. Launa is consistently kind and backs up her "homework" with heaps of support.”
She's a font of knowledge and a pleasure to work with.
"Launa is someone who cares. Whatever she's helping with she seeks understanding of the goal and collaborates with you towards achieving it. She's a font of knowledge and a pleasure to work with."
Thanks Launa for taking complex information and making it understandable and applicable to my life and helping me on my journey to my life’s success.
“I’ve done a lot of personal work on myself over the years but still consider myself a work in progress in order to push myself to be the best version of myself possible. Working with Launa, and Human Design, has made a profound impact in understanding myself at a deeper level and has added some more tools to my arsenal in helping me to move forward on my life’s journey that I get stuck on from time to time. I am confident that after receiving this information, and starting to use it in my everyday life, I will gain more insight into myself. Thanks Launa for taking complex information and making it understandable and applicable to my life and helping me on my journey to my life’s success."
By now you’re probably wondering what the cost of The Power of Unique Potential Program is?
For all the information we will be going through, I want to make sure you take action!
I would normally charge $500/session for 1-1 Coaching
But I don’t want it to cost you $6,000 to Get UP..!
If you sign up by December 4th, you will get an early sign-up discount! Instead of paying the regular value of $1,997, your tuition will be a fraction of this.
If you act now, you can join for only $997 for the 12 Weeks! Or Three payments of ONLY: $365.00
Remember there are only 50 spots available to ensure I can deliver an amazing experience for you.
When you sign up before December 4th you will also unlock these bonuses:
Gifts into Action Workshop
Get access to a Special Workshop that will help you discover your talents and expand them into gifts. Through this workshop you will learn about each of the 4 types to provide you with actionable insights. This will bridge the gap from gaining knowledge about yourself to applying it in your business, life and relationships.
Business Book: (Valued: Priceless!)
Discover how you can find 10K in any business in 45 minutes with my book “45 Minute Business Breakthroughs”. The name says it all!
Create Your Own Marketing Video: (Value: $997) A fast track video on How to Create Your Own Marketing.
Your Unique Design can make a difference in any workplace or within your own business! This helps you generate wealth through your gifts.
Power of Your Unique Potential Program – Limited Time Offer!
Live Your Unique Potential in Business and Life: 12-Weeks Accelerator
This 12-week business and life growth programs tuition is $1,997. If you are one of the 50 registrants that signs up before December 5th then your tuition will only be $997!
You’ll also claim these bonuses:
Bonus #1 - Gifts into Action workshop
Bonus #2 - 45 Minutes Business Breakthroughs Book PDF
Bonus #3 - Create Your Own Marketing Video
$ 997
(Save 50%) $1,997
One-time payment
$ 365
(Regular $730 )
3 payments billed monthly
$ 190
(Regular 399 )
6 payments billed monthly
Love From Happy Clients and Students
"What an amazing reading, Thank-you for putting so much time into it. It was so detailed and totally right on. It validates the work I am now doing in life. I really feel a greater sense of peace from it."
I now have a greater comfort level with my life purpose direction and how to maintain that alignment.
"Launa has an effective way of getting to the core of what matters to me, in my business and in my personal life. The Human Design process and Launa’s intuition and expertise really helped me understand how to navigate some major life shifts I am experiencing. I now have a greater comfort level with my life purpose direction and how to maintain that alignment."
Frequently Asked Questions
When will the program be available?
How long will I have access to the program?
What happens if I don’t have any background in this?
What happens if I’m an experienced Human Design Specialist?
How long does it take to complete the program?
What happens if I have questions during the program?
I’m on the fence, is this really for me?
You’re encouraged to meet with Launa to see if the POWER YOUR UNIQUE POTENTIAL PROGRAM is a right fit for you. Launa will give you her honest opinion without any sales pressure. You can contact Launa at
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